認識我們|About Us


DOSHA woodcraft(以下簡稱為 DOSHA)於2019 年成立,以「與自然共居,給予棄木新生」為宗旨。經營本地升級再造業務,為人們提供本地的升級再造木製產品,消費同時支持本地回收,打造循環經濟,為香港環境作出一份貢獻,並鼓勵大眾關注本地環境保護相關議題。

DOSHA woodcraft is an eco-wood workshop in Hong Kong, established in 2019. We provide different eco-home furnishings and upcycling workshops by recycled local disposal of wood. Our products and services are new options for those who wish to contribute to the environment by consuming. Let's build a circular economy and raise awareness about local environmental issues.




DOSHA Woodcraft 以「與自然共居,給予棄木新生」為宗旨,致力將廢棄木材循環再造,推廣環保教育,宣揚可持續發展的理念。

DOSHA woodcraft works with the mission "Live with Nature, a NEW BIRTH TO WOOD". To promote sustainable life style, DOSHA reuses valuable wood resource and holds eco-friendly education workshops.


DOSHA co-founder


“DOSHA” 這個名字由共同創辦人的字首組成:Dina Yu、Oliver Kan、Sammi Chan、Herry Ma 和 Ava Jiang。 DOSHA也是一種能量——


The name "DOSHA" is made up of the initials of the co-founders: Dina Yu, Oliver Kan, Sammi Chan, Herry Ma and Ava Jiang. DOSHA is also the sense of energy - 

a power to save the environment, make good use of resources, and build a better living earth. 




DOSHA woodcraft 發掘城市中的資源:棄置木,例如卡板、裝修多餘的木料及紅酒箱等,但因回收耗時、成本高昂等原因,最終被堆填或者直接棄置各處。當時我們就構想如何應用這些資源,讓木料得以重用?

DOSHA woodcraft discovered a resource in the city: wasted wood. For example, pallets, excess wood for renovation and wine boxes. As recycling wood is time-consuming and costly, most of wood are being landfilled or discarded everywhere. At that time, we conceived how to use these resources so that we can reuse wasted wood?

後來,DOSHA woodcraft 收集廢棄的木材,將回收回來的木材清理乾淨,再進行加以設計,升級再造處理,重新變成木家品及家具。

Later, DOSHA woodcraft collected wasted wood. After a series process, including sorting, cleaning, designing and woodworking, DOSHA successfully made first upcycled wood furniture by ourselves.

Let the wasted wood be up-cycled. Give a new life for wasted resources.